CINCINNATI, Ohio (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — For those managers and supervisors who need an in-depth overview of today’s environmental regulations, Lion Technology Inc., the nation’s leading regulatory compliance training firm, will soon be presenting its Complete Environmental Regulations workshop in the area. Key topics include air quality, water quality, chemical controls, and waste management. Students will learn how to comply with new requirements, including new reporting responsibilities under the 261-page greenhouse gas rule.

The comprehensive two-day program will be held in Cincinnati, OH on June 7-8; Detroit, MI on June 10-11; Pittsburgh, PA on June 14-15; and Rochester, NY on June 17-18, 2010. Group pricing is available. Registration includes course reference materials, networking luncheon, certificate of achievement, and one year of follow-up support. Registration starts at 7:30 a.m., and the workshop runs from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Pre-registration is highly recommended. To register, call (888) 546-6511 or visit us online at .

The latest round of U.S. EPA regulatory initiatives includes the new mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule issued on October 30, 2009. Under the new rule, the EPA will, for the first time, require large emitters of greenhouse gases to monitor and report their emissions. The new rule went into effect on December 29, 2009.

Lion Technology Director of Corporate Training, Scott Dunsmore, an acclaimed expert on environmental regulations, stresses that, “It is imperative for industry to keep up-to-date with changing regulations. EH&S excellence can provide your company with a competitive advantage in today’s business environment.”

The program is also essential for those who are applying for ISO 14000 registrations and must know how to systematically identify all “relevant legal requirements” as required by the International Organization of Standardization (ISO).

About Lion Technology:

Since 1977, EH&S professionals have relied on Lion Technology to meet their regulatory compliance training needs. Lion offers comprehensive training and resources in the area of environmental, hazardous materials/dangerous goods transportation, hazardous waste management, and workplace health and safety compliance. Training is offered through nationwide public workshops, live web seminars, online courses, and on-site programs. Regulatory support services and consulting are provided to assist industry in complying with Federal and State laws and regulations.

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