songwriter Ed Verner

PLANT CITY, Fla. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Taking a passionate hobby to the next level is a real challenge that many fail, but businessman and songwriter Ed Verner is making headway, today announcing his 34th song release, “Angel of Mercy.”

“I’ve been writing songs and recording them in various ways a long time, but the past year has marked some real changes in my methods and I can see results,” says Verner.

Since the summer of 2013, Ed Verner’s work has grown steadily, with over 33 original song releases. With mainly a singer-songwriter Americana style, sometimes edging towards a relaxing instrumental meditation vibe, this campfire guitar and lush piano balladeer is quick to acknowledge good advice he has received in prodding him to move past the stage of hobbyist to budding professional. “For me, the real story is how I’ve changed the way I approach my songs before, during, and after they are born and produced.”

One powerful influence on Ed Verner’s paradigm shift came with meeting author/producer Loren Weisman at the time he was writing the book, “The Artist’s Guide to Success in the Music Business.”

“A lot of people have touched on how the music industry is changing, but Loren’s book opened a new perspective for me as I took stock of my songwriting effort,” says Verner. In many ways, Ed and Loren met at a perfect moment for the frustrated hobbyist, when Verner says, “I was working very hard at ineffective methods of moving forward. Loren helped me to see past the passion of writing or performing a song, and to look at the rest of what it takes to see it through.”

Known for being creative and organized in his business career, Verner readily admits to struggling at gaining the proper balance of effort with his songwriting. “What was for years a spastic eruption of creative ‘lava’ has crystallized now into being more organized and prioritized. I’ve learned not to waste time or inspiration on things that are simply ineffective.”

Now this songwriter makes room for industry networking, focusing on graphic art design, identifying his audience, target market identification, internet and multi-media promotion, etc.

“All of those things that successful people do to make and sell a valuable product are required for art and music too; in some ways perhaps more so, because there are so few barriers to entering the market of music now. Just writing a beautiful song is not enough – it never has been,” Verner concludes.

For more information about the music of Ed Verner go to: or .


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