DENVER, Colo. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Several companies have been investing in technology that instantly connects people to most available jobs. One of them, a venture capital backed firm named SET, has invested $35 million to pioneer ways for making job hunting easier. Robert J. Gerberg Jr., CEO of SET, points out that there are thousands of Internet posting openings. But, most job hunters find the Internet time consuming and frustrating to use.

To make sense of what SET has created, Gerberg said you first need to understand how to find jobs in both the public and private job markets. Public openings can be found on job boards, magazines, newspapers, metasearch engines and recruiter Web sites. SET can now put 97% of all public openings at your fingertips.

Private openings, which account for 50% of all openings up to 100,000 and 75% of all openings above 100,000, can be uncovered three ways: (1) from networking; (2) from uncovering leads to private opportunities; and (3) by placing your credentials with key employers, private recruiters, venture capitalists and board members.

SET has pioneered the Job Market Access Center or JMAC for short. It provides job seekers with everything they need to be connected to public and private openings.

On JMAC, many people are able to uncover 50 times the number of public openings they could find on their own. This includes openings in all newspapers and trade magazines, openings posted by web-based recruiters, on more than 1,500 job boards, and on 300,000 employer Web sites.

As for private openings, JMAC subscribers receive leads about breaking business news, company expansions, firms relocating, and so forth. These are proven leads to emerging jobs in the earliest. They are “streamed” daily by industries and metro areas of interest.

Another avenue to private openings is having access to decision makers in the U.S. and over 230 countries, which JMAC provides. This includes being able to access all key decision makers with recruiters, venture capitalists and board members they might wish to contact, and also decision makers with growth firms and carefully targeted small and large employers.

To take a free video tour of the job market and see how you can connect to 40 times more openings and get all the leads and contacts you need, visit .

News Source: Robert J. Gerberg, Jr. :: This story was issued by Send2Press® and is Copyright © 2010 Neotrope® News Network – all rights reserved.