Linda GlasESCONDIDO, Calif., Nov. 21, 2011 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Unexplained thoughts and sensations await readers of “The 22 Best Kept Secrets of All Time,” a 22-book set of beautifully illustrated e-books, holding within a lifetime of searching, learning, and discovering by author Reverend Linda Glas.

Never one to accept the “norm” when it comes to knowing and living her spiritual life, Reverend Glas was prompted, by God, to make this information open to anyone desiring to know what is REALLY going on in our world and explains why some worldwide disasters have and will continue to happen.

As the world has been slowly overcome by chaos, behind the scenes Reverend Linda Glas has been quietly going about her business. Her business is educating people about the urgency to prepare for the end of days, otherwise known as The Rapture/end of time.

Rev. Glas has worked tirelessly to interpret content for you, the seekers of spiritual truths and concepts. The facts gathered in her 40-year quest had to be interpreted from mountains of ancient documents, astrology and especially the Bible – then proven by current scientific findings in physics, biology, mathematics, and even art. One of her greatest gifts is the ability to decipher confusing Biblical script, especially the Book of Revelation, where she reveals hidden messages we need to know about the beginning of our world, war in heaven, and the future that awaits us.

Her website, is full of more information than most single-topic books. In fact, she has been given such a tremendous amount of information that she had to decide how much of it to include in these works. For that reason, there are several books with two parts (each e-book is over 400 pages!), so the readers get tons of value for a small price – $8.88 (per title). Sample chapters of the completed books can be downloaded from her site. Other e-books will be added upon completion.

Customers can be assured they are getting the best, most reliable news about:
* The end of the world as we know it (it is not 2012);
* What happens when and after we die?
* Is the antichrist here yet?
* What exactly do we have to do to prepare for our final exit from life on Earth?
* What part animals play in the grand scheme;
* Time is speeding up;
* And many more topics that will shock you.

In addition to her site, her editor has a blog – – where all the funny, weird, strange, blessed, troublesome and surprising events occurred during the last eight years of preparing this work. And, they continue to this day!

Book 1: Your 181 Goodie Bag Gifts From God (ISBN-13 978-0-984-3163-0-4);
Book 2: Your True Twin Sole Love (ISBN-13 978-0-984-3163-1-1);
Book 3: Breaking The Astrological Code of the Bible Reveals the Rapture (Part One & Two) (ISBN-13 978-0-984-3163-2-8);
Book 4: The Double Cross Curse – The Fall of the Angels that Created the Fall of Man (ISBN-13 978-0-984-3163-3-5);
Book 6: The Blood of the Angels (ISBN-13 978-0-984-3163-5-9).

More information: .

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