Black Chamber of Arizona

PHOENIX, Ariz. /Massachusetts Newswire – National News/ — Expanding its advisory board and impact statewide, IMPACT AZ 2025, a three-year supplier diversity readiness program designed to close the racial wealth gap for diverse business owners, is maximizing its growth strategy under the leadership of the Black Chamber of Arizona, Millionaire Mastermind Academy announced today.

“Following the successful launch of IMPACT AZ 2025, we are excited to move forward with our strategy to scale the program by including a broader range of underserved business owners,” said Dr. Velma Trayham, creator of IMPACT AZ 2025 and founder of the Millionaire Mastermind Academy, a national non-profit organization with a mission to end poverty through entrepreneurship. “This growth will include more technical assistance labs across the state through partnerships, capacity for larger cohorts, and a more significant impact on Arizona’s diverse small business community.”

To maximize the program’s statewide growth, Robin Reed, president, and CEO of the Black Chamber of Arizona, will guide the advisory board to ensure alignment with the IMPACT AZ 2025 mission and vision. While spearheading this effort, he will connect and engage contributors, help the board reach its goals, and expand its membership.

“We look forward to taking the IMPACT AZ 2025 vision to new heights, new members, and new small businesses looking to make an impact through supplier diversity,” Reed said. “Our core focus at the Black Chamber of Arizona is business development, so this is a fantastic opportunity to grow entrepreneurial diversity and to help build stronger, more diverse businesses that serve all of Arizona.”

IMPACT AZ 2025 is an action-focused program with a technical assistance hub at Thinkzilla Consulting Group Office, located at the Arizona State University Skysong ,3. Supplier diversity programs could add $280 billion in income and 4 million new jobs to the U.S. economy, according to a recent McKinsey & Co. report. By 2025, the initiative aims to support the growth of 250 businesses while empowering more than 500 established businesses to grow their employee base.

About IMPACT AZ 2025:

IMPACT AZ 2025 is Arizona’s largest supplier diversity readiness program designed to close the racial wealth gap of black business owners through technical assistance, capital readiness, mentorship, and public and private collaboration. IMPACT AZ 2025 is a three-year business accelerator focused on supplier diversity training to grow business opportunities.

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