Planet Defense LLC

Planet Defense LLC = Innovation + Integration + Security

WASHINGTON, D.C. /Massachusetts Newswire – National News/ — Planet Defense LLC announced today its close partnership with Cape Fox Corporation (CFC) to develop and manage a technology Innovation Hub in Ketchikan, Alaska, starting immediately. This new project – a Public-Private Partnership – will strengthen Ketchikan’s native community and local commercial businesses by providing them with emerging and smart technologies. This endeavor will particularly benefit the Alaska Native people living in the area.

This Innovation Hub will further be supported in various capacities by public and private sector partners. Ketchikan Innovation Hub will collaborate with Virginia Smart Community Testbed (VSCT), which is being supported by Virginia Innovation Partnership Corporation (VIPC), Stafford County in Virginia, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), as well as multiple technology companies.

Todd Morgan, Cape Fox Shared Service’s President of Strategy and Innovation, further noted, “The goal of this multifaceted project is to transform lives and communities in the Ketchikan, Alaska region through innovation and implementation of new technologies, plus educate and prepare a future-ready workforce capable of consistently achieving excellence. We are delighted to have partnered with Planet Defense LLC, which has many years of experience designing and implementing innovation hubs around the world.”

Commenting on this very significant development, Dr. Indu Singh, Planet Defense’s Director and Chairman of the Board, said, “By working with all of our strategic partners over time, including community leaders and indigenous stakeholders, we will together help support Alaska Native people while advancing that and other local/regional communities into the 21st century. As a result, these communities will be provided with easier access to smart and connected healthcare, broadband communications, new job opportunities, improved public safety using drone technologies, expanded tourism, and other tangible benefits.”

For additional details about the groundbreaking Planet Defense/CFC Ketchikan, Alaska Innovation Hub, please contact: Dr. Michael G. Oehler, Planet Defense’s Director of Operations, at: moehler[at]


Planet Defense LLC, located in N. Virginia USA, specializes in consulting, engineering & training services in Cybersecurity, IT, Satellites/Telecoms, Smart & Safe Cities, & Systems Engineering. The firm supports public/private sector clients worldwide with footprints in the USA & other GCC nations. Key Planet Defense staff are world-leading experts in Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Engineering, IT, Public Safety, Science, & Technology. See:


Cape Fox Corporation (CFC) was formed as part of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) of 1971 & is the Alaska Native Corporation for the village of Saxman, Alaska. Today, CFC is comprised of a family of businesses divided into two distinct groups: The Federal Contracting Group based in Manassas, Virginia, & The Commercial (Tourism) Group located in Ketchikan, Alaska. Collectively, CFC & its subsidiaries specialize in Construction, Cybersecurity, Healthcare, IT, Professional Services, & Tourism. See: and

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