black and tan spoonBROWNSVILLE, Texas, March 28 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Guinness® and Bass have customized beer-layering tools and now, thanks to JMB Brewcraft, other breweries, pubs, beer fests and more will also have a cool, new item to share with their brew-buying public – the all new, customizable black and tan spoon.

“These custom-layering spoons each bear the buyer’s logo stamped on the handle and serve as terrific marketing tools,” says James M. Beale, CEO of JMB Brewcraft. “They also help brew businesses to get the edge on their competition.”

Made in the U.S.A., these black and tan spoons make any bartender look like the beer-layering equivalent of Tom Cruise in “Cocktail.” Making a black and tan or other beer-layered drink is as easy as 1-2-3, even when pouring four at a time.

And these custom bar tools are designed to help any beer-related business turn a profit. The wholesale cost ranges from around $5 to $12 per spoon; the more ordered, the lower the price. Businesses can easily double their money by retailing them for $15 to $20 each. JMB Brewcraft is taking wholesale custom orders of 1,000 units or more.

JMB Brewcraft designs these black and tan spoons with quality in mind. They are manufactured from solid 1/16-inch, high-grade stainless steel and then hand polished to a high finish. They are dishwasher safe and come individually packaged in classy black-velour drawstring bags.

When hung in a pint glass, the bowl of this patent-pending spoon (U.S. patent: 12/789,329) rests at the midpoint of the glass to ensure optimal layering every time.

Bill Balaschi of Boston, who purchased some of these beer-layering spoons said, “What a hit these spoons have been. I gave one to my brother-in-law, a real Irishman, and he loved it. I also brought the spoon to a hard-core St. Patrick’s Day party and I quickly became the ‘designated pourer.’ The spoon worked flawlessly every time. Once people see them in action, they’re sold.”

To view a video of the four-pour (four black and tan beers poured in 60 seconds), visit: .

For more information online, visit: .

For more information or media queries, please contact:
James M. Beale, CEO of JMB Brewcraft, LLC, 956-346-8271, .

All trademarks are the property of the respective mark holder.

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-Photo Caption: JMB Brewcraft’s black and tan spoons are now customizable.

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