SAN ANTONIO, Texas (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — As Financial Foundation Group San Antonio continued to expand through this last quarter, so has their commitment to the community. On Friday, November 13, 2009, FFG closed their office and volunteered their time with the Special Olympics San Antonio chapter. The associates of FFG met at the Bandera Bowl and Funplex located at 6700 Huebner Road in San Antonio, Texas, to help the athletes of Special Olympics complete the finals of the bowling tournament as they volunteered as guides, scorekeepers and award presenters.

“Volunteering in the community is always rewarding,” said Nate Harmon, Executive Director of FFG – San Antonio. “The Special Olympics organization provides so many activities for the athletes, its fun to see them succeed.”

The bowling tournament began November 11, 2009, with opening ceremonies at 9 a.m. followed by the competition. The athletes were divided into teams of 3 and were given team and individual rewards.

Each quarter Financial Foundation Group-San Antonio dedicates its time to a community service event. This year’s Special Olympics tournament included hundreds of athletes, family members and volunteers. FFG will volunteer in the upcoming Special Olympics basketball tournament scheduled for February 2010.

The management of the Financial Foundation Group is also registered representatives with and offer securities through NEXT Financial Group, Inc., member FINRA, SIPC. Financial Foundation Group is not an affiliate of NEXT Financial Group, Inc. NEXT is a national full service Broker/Dealer offering investment, retirement and insurance products and services which allows their representatives to offer financial products to suit each individual client’s needs.

The knowledgeable staff at FFG has access to a wide array of investment products and can provide assistance with life insurance choices and providing wealth building strategies.

The company’s Web site, has current market information and summaries for clients to review. It also provides breaking financial news along with top headlines and stories.

News Source: Financial Foundation Group

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