SAN ANTONIO, Texas (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — As the year came to an end, Financial Foundation Group – San Antonio continued the giving through the holiday season. Through the months of November and December, FFG – San Antonio collected toys for the Marine’s Toys for Tots Program of San Antonio.

“It was important for us to become a drop-off location this year since this type of project is one of our favorites to do,” said Delia Rios, Supervisor and Community Service Organizer for FFG San Antonio. “It was a good opportunity for our surrounding community members to come in and give to children that normally wouldn’t receive toys.”

Empty boxes were collected from Brooke Army Medical Center located at 3851 Roger Brook Drive in San Antonio, Texas, and were set up in the front lobby of the San Antonio office. “I passed out flyers to neighboring businesses and homes and we had a pretty good response,” said Rios. “Posters and flyers along with Marines themselves were available to help promote this campaign.”

The Toys for Tots program, like Financial Foundation Group, continues to play an active role in the growth of our children. The toys were collected and distributed to children and families on December 22, 2009, just in time for the Christmas holiday.

The management of the Financial Foundation Group is also registered representatives with and offer securities through NEXT Financial Group, Inc., member FINRA, SIPC. Financial Foundation Group is not an affiliate of NEXT Financial Group, inc. NEXT is a national full service Broker/Dealer offering investment, retirement and insurance products and services which allows their representatives to offer financial products to suit each individual client’s needs.

The knowledgeable staff at FFG has access to a wide array of investment products and can provide assistance with life insurance choices and providing wealth building strategies.

The company’s Web site, has current market information and summaries for clients to review. It also provides breaking financial news along with top headlines and stories.

News Source: Financial Foundation Group

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