Metrics that MatterCHICAGO, Ill., Feb. 9 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — KnowledgeAdvisors, a learning measurement software and solutions company that improves the effectiveness of learning, today announced it has released a brand new research report which examines Metrics that Matter®’s (MTM) tangible value through the eyes of its industry leading clients.

KnowledgeAdvisors’ research focused on investigating the value that clients received when implementing the Metrics that Matter® system through two main approaches:
– Survey research targeted a group of long-term MTM users who articulated the tangible benefits of using MTM.
– Data mining focused on clients with two or more years of data in the MTM system to determine the long-term effectives of MTM on L&D performance.

The findings from the two distinct sources of information provided similar results. Metrics that Matter® is a valuable measurement system that yields (i) short-term benefits such as process efficiency, reporting standardization, useful comparative information and (ii) long-term benefits like aiding organizations as they progress along a measurement maturity curve which yields performance improvement ranging from 3-5% among learning metrics; such improvement is likely to translate into substantial business improvement that helps organizations outpace the S&P 500.

To optimize value received from Metrics That Matter®, KnowledgeAdvisors recommends that organizations pursue the following:

– Integrate MTM with their learning management system.

– Monitor performance of the curricula by implementing the MTM system and progress up the measurement maturity curve.

– Ensure that their L&D group takes action on the results that are collected such as rewarding top instructors and developing (or firing) bottom performing instructors.

– Develop a measurement strategy to create and sustain a long-term, effective measurement process.

– Build business intelligence by linking data sets, uncovering correlations and determining what is driving changes in the business.

– Optimize measurement beyond L&D by assessing other aspects of human capital such as recruiting, talent (competencies), leadership, engagement, and performance.

– Share the value of L&D metrics with their leaders by applying GARP – KnowledgeAdvisors’ set of Generally Accepted Reporting Principles.

“Metrics that Matter® is our flagship software solution for human capital evaluation which allows you to cost-effectively measure and increase the impact of your human capital processes from recruiting to leadership development. Our data speaks louder than our words! This research paper only reinforces what our clients already know about the real benefits from implementing Metrics that Matter,” stated Kent Barnett, CEO of KnowledgeAdvisors.

Organizations interested in further details about this research can access the complimentary white paper found at: .

About KnowledgeAdvisors:
For organizations that utilize learning and development to drive business outcomes, KnowledgeAdvisors offers learning measurement software that improves the effectiveness and business impact of learning. Unlike the standard reporting and dashboard features included in most learning and talent management software, we combine data from multiple enterprise systems with information collected through evaluations and assessments to paint a complete picture of learning and business performance. KnowledgeAdvisors can even benchmark your learning programs against other organizations. For more about KnowledgeAdvisors, visit: .

For inquiries related to this news release, contact:
Eric Bush, Director of Marketing
312-676-4416 .

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