ATLANTA, Ga. /Massachusetts Newswire – National News/ — The GOALS Council, a strategic advisory council created by Stack Sports and youth soccer executives, has announced the appointment of Joel Dragan, the Executive Director of Florida Youth Soccer, as the 2023 Chairperson to head the GOALS Council.

“The GOALS Council is about working together for the holistic good and inspiring more children to try out the sport of soccer,” said Dragan. “I hope that we can bring the game to kids who aren’t currently participating in any fashion. Too often we get bogged down in the details. You don’t need anything other than a ball and an open area to play.”

In addition, the GOALS Council welcomed three new members: Jennifer Davis, the Executive Director of South Texas Youth Soccer, Melissa Riemer, the Director of Operations at Arlington Soccer Association in Virginia, and Chelsie Hawley, the Executive Director of Skyhawks Rise.

“GOALS stands for Growth, Organization, Advancement, & Learning in Soccer and represents Stack Sports’ mission to invest in youth soccer in a meaningful way, as we are truly invested in helping organizations increase participation and grow the game in our communities,” said Andrew R. Hiatt, Vice President of Growth and Market Strategy at Stack Sports and former US Youth Soccer Chief Operation Officer. “We are thrilled to welcome the new members of the GOALS Council and are excited about their energy and commitment to youth soccer. Stack Sports is honored to support the council as they identify their primary initiatives and areas of growth for 2023.”

Founded by Stack Sports and leading figures in the soccer industry, the GOALS Council is a national strategic advisory group focused on improving soccer for the next generation. This group of soccer leaders works together to address key issues in the sport and serve as a hub for innovative solutions. Stack Sports is committed to supporting the council’s efforts through its partnerships, connections, and resources.

“The purpose of the GOALS Council is to check allegiances at the door and meet together with other advocates for the growth of the soccer in the United States to work together collaboratively in ways that is not normally possible,” said Frannie Fabian, Head of Partner Engagement at Stack Sports. “We want to inspire more children to pick up the sport as we know youth sports involvement has lifelong health benefits.”

The 2023 GOALS Council meeting will be held at the United Coaches Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on January 11, 2023. Subsequent meetings will be held quarterly throughout the year.

To learn more about the GOALS Council, you can visit its website at: https://stacksports.com/goals-council

About Stack Sports:

With nearly 50 million users in 35 countries, Stack Sports is a global technology leader in SaaS platform offerings for the sports industry. The company provides world-class software and services to support national governing bodies, youth sports associations, leagues, clubs, parents, coaches, and athletes. Some of the largest and most prominent sports organizations, including the U.S. Soccer Federation, Little League Baseball and Softball, and Pop Warner Little Scholars, rely on Stack Sports technology to run and manage their organizations. Stack Sports is headquartered in Dallas and is leading the industry one team at a time focusing on three key pillars – Play, Improve, and Engage.

To learn more about how Stack Sports is transforming the sports experience, please visit https://stacksports.com/.

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