KALAMAZOO, Mich. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Griffin Pest Solutions will be performing a live demonstration of its bed bug heat remediation process at 3:00 p.m. during the Bed Bug Invasion Seminar. Thermal remediation is used to kill bed bugs and other insects by heating rooms to 130 degrees Fahrenheit. The process kills all stages in the insect life cycle. The seminar will be held at the Rock Financial Showplace in Novi, Michigan on September 24, 2010 from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

The seminar will target area departments of community health, hospitals, multi-unit housing communities, colleges and universities, assisted living facilities and the hospitality industry. There will be in-depth, expert discussions about medical issues associated with bed bugs and strategies for prevention, detection, control and management. Participants will gain first hand knowledge by observing heat treatment and the benefits associated with the process.

“Nationwide, bed bugs are a significant issue,” Jeff Spencer, Associated Certified Entomologist and Vice President for Griffin Pest Solutions, explains. “And, while many equate bed bugs with poor sanitation, this is a myth. A five-star resort is just as susceptible as a local motel.”

And, once an infestation occurs, without the expertise of a pest professional, they are extremely difficult to remove.

Bed Bugs are not picky about where they live. They can travel easily from beds to sofa cushions; room to room; and in suitcases during travel. They can occur in a hotel room, college dorm or even a movie theater.

During the seminar, expert speakers will provide an overview of bed bugs, including their history and current status. A recommended plan of action will be presented to businesses that may suspect or find bed bugs in their establishments.

Dr. Jerome Goddard, a medical entomologist in the Bureau of Environmental Health, Mississippi Department of Health, is scheduled to be the keynote speaker. His recent study, “Bed Bugs (Cimex lectularius) and Clinical Consequences of Their Bites,” published by the Journal of American Medicine Association, will be the focus of his presentation. Dr. Goddard is also the Clinical Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine and Assistant Professor of Medicine in The School of Medicine at the University of Mississippi Medical Center.

Erik Foster, a Zoonotic Disease Biologist at the Michigan Department of Community Health will speak on the issues and challenges of bed bugs in Michigan. Erik currently chairs the Michigan Bed Bug Working Group, which includes representatives from several government agencies, local public health, the pest management industry, property management, and hospitality industry representatives. The group aims to educate the public, private sector, and regulatory agencies as to the prevention and control of bed bug infestations through coordinated, proactive action and plans to release a comprehensive manual and training resources for Michigan in the near future.

Jeff Spencer will discuss bed bug treatment options and demonstrate the use of heat remediation to control bed bugs.

Maureen Abbott, a scent detection dog handler, and owner of the Bed Bug K9 Detectives in Milford, MI, will discuss and demonstrate the advantages of using K9 scent detection dogs to search for bed bugs. These scent detection dogs have proven to be 95 percent accurate.

Dr. Stuart Mitchell, a Board Certified entomologist in urban, industrial, medical, and veterinary will present on developing a bed bug plan of action. Dr. Mitchell has been in the pest management industry since 1982, and has served as a technical director, consultant, expert-witness and is currently entomologist for Griffin Pest Solutions and the National Pest Management Association.

Finally, attorney Michael Crow of Secrest Wardle in Farmington Hills, MI will present on bed bug litigation. Attendees will learn what claims generally consist of and what steps should be taken to avoid potential bed bug lawsuits.

The seminar registration fee is $59. The fee includes continental breakfast, lunch and seminar materials; pre-registration is required due to seating limitations.

For more information, contact Denise DeVries at: 269-585-1025, or visit: http://www.regonline.com/BedBugInvasion for the event outline and agenda.

About Griffin Pest Solutions:

Griffin Pest Solutions, Inc. (www.GriffinPest.com) services Northern Indiana and Michigan. They are certified Bed Bug FREE as well as GreenPro and QualityPro certified by the National Pest Management Association. Since 1929, the company has been locally owned and operated by the Griffin family with offices in Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, Battle Creek and Ann Arbor.

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