Tags Boating, Marine and Maritime

Tag: Boating, Marine and Maritime

NJ-based Save LBI Coalition Demands Full Disclosure of Structural and Safety Data for Atlantic Shores South Wind Turbines

BEACH HAVEN, N.J. /Massachusetts Newswire: -- Amid numerous recent instances of wind-turbine failures in the U.S. and around the world, the New Jersey citizen's group Save LBI today called for an immediate and full public disclosure of all data related to the design, manufacture, maintenance, and failure rates for the components of the 200 wind turbines Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind plans to erect off the coast of southern Long Beach Island (LBI), Brigantine, and Atlantic City, New Jersey.

NJ Coalition, Save Long Beach Island, Slams Feds for Ignoring Key Environmental Impacts of Offshore Wind Development | US National News

Massachusetts Newswire: -- The New Jersey citizens group Save Long Beach Island (Save LBI) today rebuked the federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) for issuing a final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that blatantly ignores critical environmental impacts for offshore wind development in six lease areas off the coast of New Jersey and New York in a region known as the New York Bight. The area lies to the north of the controversial Atlantic Shores South project (OCS-A 0499) off the southern coast of New Jersey, which received federal approval in July.