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Tag: Omni Publishing Company

784 Broadway

Former FBI Agent James Ring Turns Back the Clock with Release of '784 Broadway' Novel

BOSTON, Mass. /Massachusetts Newswire/ -- James A. Ring, author of the 5-star terrorist thriller 'Necessary Assets,' has shifted genres with his second book, '784 Broadway' (ISBN: 978-1506164182), where he brings to life his immigrant Italian heritage by recounting summer visits to his family's small greengrocer store in New York's Hudson Valley, Omni Publishing Company announced today.
Necessary Assets

Boston author and former FBI Agent James Ring launches new spy novel 'Necessary Assets'

BOSTON, Mass. /Massachusetts Newswire/ -- Omni Publishing is proud to announce the publication of the novel, 'Necessary Assets' (ISBN: 978-1490997469) by James Ring of Boston. This riveting work of fiction begins with an unusual alliance between a modernized Sicilian Mafia and retired FBI agent Mark Patrick.
Publisher Henry Quinlan

Massachusetts Seminar Offers New Concept in Retirement Planning, a Thoughtful Prep for the Next Stage of Life for Those about to...

BOSTON, Mass. /Massachusetts Newswire/ -- Omni Publishing Co. announces the launch of a new concept in retirement planning with a Dec. 4, 2012, seminar designed to address the non-financial, soft-side of retirement. Attendees to the seminar 'Building Your Emotional Pension' will be presented with the planning tools that will enable them to map out a retirement that works.