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Tag: sculptor Rodman Edwards

Sculptors Daniel and Rodman Edwards Announce George Floyd Memorial Bust for 3D Printing

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., June 3, 2020 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- A memorial bust of George Floyd will be available to everyone supporting the Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests all over the globe. The George Floyd memorial bust 3D printing file is available for free at Sketchfab and is a presentation of love from the sculptors to the Floyd family and protesters at large, announced Cory Allen Contemporary Art.

Nude Statue of Dr. Huxtable Protests Cosby’s TV Hall of Fame Busts?

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. and ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., Feb. 5, 2015 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- A teenage artist's protest against Bill Cosby for misrepresenting his TV characters and their messages is proposed as a nude statue of Cosby's Dr. Cliff Huxtable from 'The Cosby Show' to replace the busts of the legendary performer displayed in front of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Halls of Fame. The Dr. Huxtable sculpture depicted with a saddened Fat Albert, created by young sculptor Rodman Edwards, is being unveiled by Cory Allen Contemporary Art (CACA).