
BioBuilder Educational Foundation

BioBuilder’s next phase, in which it will build on the learning from Eastern Tennessee, is to develop a plan to grow...

NEWTON, Mass. /Massachusetts Newswire/ -- The BioBuilder Educational Foundation, Inc. ("BioBuilder"), which has a decade of empowering teachers and schools to bring synthetic biology education to school districts in 47 states, today announced its launch of a strategic planning process designed to grow the bioeconomy workforce at scale in urban, rural, and tribal communities.
Be Your True Self @drspiegel

The Spiegel Center’s New Mural for Curbside Botox Provides Patients the Same Safe and Beautiful Results

NEWTON, Mass. /Massachusetts Newswire/ -- The Spiegel Center plastic surgery office has created an outdoor waiting room as patients are asked to stay longer in their cars prior to doctor visits due to new COVID-19 regulations. An innovative plastic surgeon commissioned a talented local artist, Alicia Silvestri to create an original 100-square-foot mural to be painted in the parking lot for their patients.
Olga Kwasniewski and Stylist Vanessa Lyn Lavin

Whole Beauty Salon on A Mission to Beautify Healthcare and Frontline Workers During COVID-19 Crisis

NEWTON, Mass. /Massachusetts Newswire/ -- Whole Beauty Salon and Spa of Newton, Massachusetts is donating free haircut or express facial to health care workers, policemen and firefighters for a duration of month of June 2020. Per Governor Baker's reopening order, a haircut service will be available as early as May 25, 2020 and spa service will be available as early as June 8, 2020.