ROCHESTER, N.Y. /Send2Press Newswire/ — Children Awaiting Parents, a nonprofit organization dedicated to finding adoptive families for children in foster care, is hosting its annual Family Walk on Saturday, September 26, 2009.

Supporters from across the United States are invited to register today for the 2.5 mile Family Walk event at and create a custom fundraising page to begin raising money to support the recruitment of adoptive families for children in foster care.

The Walk is held at Ontario Beach Park in Rochester and is handicap accessible. If you live in the Rochester, NY area, please join us for the Walk. If you live elsewhere in the United States, plan a virtual Family Walk in your community.

Individual walkers in both youth and adult categories are eligible to win great prizes, including iPods! Teams that raise $500 or more by September 1st are eligible to have their team name printed on their T-shirts. Teams also compete for terrific prizes. Walkers that raise $150 or more are eligible for a Children Awaiting Parents Sports Bag, $250 or more makes walkers eligible for a Children Awaiting Parents embroidered windbreaker, and $500 or more raised allows walkers to choose a Children Awaiting Parents embroidered fleece jacket instead!

For more information on the Family Walk or Children Awaiting Parents, please visit or call (585) 232-5110.

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TAGS: children in foster care family walk new york

News Source: Children Awaiting Parents