Raising C. diff. Awareness

BOSTON, Mass. /Massachusetts Newswire/ — A worldwide panel of experts, hosted by the C Diff Foundation, will gather at the 3rd Annual International Raising C. diff. Awareness Conference and Health Expo on November 9, at the DoubleTree Suites Hotel – Boston – Cambridge, 400 Soldiers Field Road, Boston, MA 02134, to discuss vital information for healthcare professionals.

Clostridium difficile (C.difficile) caused almost half a million infections among patients in the United States in a single year, according to a 2015 study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In addition, an estimated 15,000 deaths are directly attributable to C. difficile infections, making them a substantial cause of infectious disease death in the United States.[i]

Professor Mark Wilcox, Professor of Medical Microbiology, Leeds Institute of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, UK, will serve as the key speaker and conference chair. Professor Wilcox will be joined by fellow topic experts to discuss vital data affecting patients and healthcare professionals worldwide, as well as studies regarding microbiome research, fecal microbiota transplants, clinical trials, antibiotic resistance, nutrition, and much more

To learn more about the program and key guest speakers visit http://cdifffoundation.org/upcoming-events/.

Attendees will have opportunities to ask questions of presenters during the conference and to speak with organization representatives participating in the Health Expo to gain insight on the products and services being used to prevent and treat Healthcare-Associated Infections and support environmental safety.

We sincerely thank the following Exclusive Corporate Sponsors for their continued support and for joining the C Diff Foundation in Raising C. diff. Awareness worldwide:
– Xenex Disinfection Services http://www.xenex.com/
– Lifeclean International AB Sweden http://www.lifeclean.se/en/about-us/
– American Green Technology – HRMS http://www.agtus.org/
– Rebiotix http://rebiotix.com/
– Synthetic Biologics http://www.syntheticbiologics.com/
– uBiome http://ubiome.com/
– Seal Shield http://www.sealshield.com/
– SporeGen http://www.sporegen.com/.

We would also like to express our gratitude to the following organizations:

This conference is supported through an educational grant from Sanofi Pasteur US http://www.cdiffense.org/home.

This activity has been supported by an independent patient advocacy grant from Merck & Co., Inc. http://www.merck.com/index.html.

Attendee Linda Davis, RN, BSN, said about the 2014 conference, "The information shared at the conference provided up- to-date studies and important data that help us all save lives."

Register for this event through the C Diff Foundation's website at http://cdifffoundation.org/upcoming-events/ — or contact Nancy Caralla, Executive Director, at (919) 201-1512, ncaralla@cdifffoundation.org

About The C Diff Foundation:

The C Diff Foundation is a leading non-profit organization founded in 2012 by Nancy Caralla, a nurse who was diagnosed and treated for recurrent Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) infections. Through her own journeys, and the loss of her father to C. difficile infection involvement, Nancy recognized the need for greater awareness through education about research being conducted by the government, industry and academia and better advocacy on behalf of patients, healthcare professionals and researchers worldwide working to address the public health threat posed by this devastating infection.

Follow the C Diff Foundation on Twitter @cdiffFoundation and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CdiffFoundationRadio.

For more information, visit: http://www.cdifffoundation.org/.

Notes/citation: [i] http://www.cdc.gov/drugresistance/biggest_threats.html.

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