FlexCare Digital Health and WellVisor Inc. partner

ATLANTA, Ga. /Massachusetts Newswire – National News/ — WellVisor, a nationwide leader in Integrated Health & Wellbeing, announced today its partnership with FlexCare, LLC, to provide employers and benefit plans the most comprehensive, integrated health and wellness solution available. This partnership allows WellVisor’s employers and their members to benefit from FlexCare’s comprehensive solution. WellVisor and FlexCare will start their partnership immediately to further simplify the delivery of employee benefit tools for improving lives and lowering costs.

“WellVisor is excited to welcome FlexCare to our integrated suite as we continue to simplify the employee benefits experience with all the best health and wellbeing solutions available in one place,” said WellVisor Co-founder and CEO, Patrick Cooper.

Approximately 85% of employees are confused about their employee benefits (*note 1), and 62% of employees lose 32 days per year navigating workplace apps (*note 2). The growing trend of disconnected benefits not only increases costs and lowers engagement, it also further complicates the delivery and use of solutions that improve lives and lower healthcare costs for everyone. With WellVisor and FlexCare seamlessly working together in the WellVisor solution, employees and their family members now have one less app to learn to fully take advantage of their employee benefits.

“FlexCare is excited to partner with WellVisor to expand our opportunities in the employer market. We view this as a tremendous opportunity to simplify the delivery of our valuable benefit to employers and their employees,” said FlexCare Founder & CEO Lee Shoemake.

“While FlexCare already has one of the highest utilization rates among virtual care providers, we are always looking for new ways to simplify delivery and increase utilization. Through this partnership and WellVisor’s ability to educate members on the benefits and services available to them, we predict members will be even more aware of their FlexCare options and more likely to take advantage of our quicker, cost-saving, virtual care services.”

About WellVisor:

WellVisor is the nation’s only fully integrated health and wellbeing solution for employers, benefit plans, and health systems. Our single solution approach and unique AI personalized one-step-at-a-time guidance bring the best possible care to employees and their family members.

Website: https://www.wellvisor.com/

About FlexCare:

FlexCare, LLC is a leading digital health provider of online and on-demand healthcare delivery services to private and public employers, associations, brokers, school systems and more. By using digital health services instead of more expensive urgent care and ER visits, FlexCare’s digital health services cuts unnecessary costs and keeps members smiling (instead of waiting).

In addition to telemedicine and the WellVisor health and wellbeing tools, FlexCare also provides Virtual Primary Care, Dermatology, TeleDentistry, Behavioral Health and Telespine benefits.

Using their proprietary online administrative system, FlexCare seamlessly provides multiple employee benefits either bundled or unbundled which makes for ease of administration for employers.

Resource Links:

Website: https://flexcare.com/

Dashboard: https://www.myflexcare.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/FlexCarePlus

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/flexcare-telemedicine/?viewAsMember=true

Facebook: https://facebook.com/FlexCarePlus

Instagram: https://instagram.com/FlexCarePlus

Notes / Sources:

*1 https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbeshumanresourcescouncil/2023/04/26/personalization-is-the-future-of-employee-benefits/?sh=1da78f475335

*2 https://www.ringcentral.com/whyringcentral/company/pressreleases/pressreleases-2018/report_app_overload_is_creating_chaos_at_work_and_costing_businesses_billions.html

Learn More: http://flexcare.com/

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