WIS Education

BALTIMORE, Md. /Massachusetts Newswire – National News/ — WIS ED LLC (WIS ED) has partnered with Tech Quest Apprenticeship, a national initiative led by Clark University’s School of Professional Studies, to provide information technology (IT) and Cyber-related pre-apprenticeships and apprenticeships to unemployed, underemployed, and incumbent workers through 2023.

Statement from Dr. Duane Wilson, CEO, WIS ED LLC:

“It is the primary goal of WIS ED to address the sizable shortage of professionals equipped to respond to cyber-threats. WIS ED is excited to partner with Clark University on their Tech Quest Apprenticeship program to help the nation step closer to a workforce that can handle cybersecurity threats wherever they may arise.”

Statement from Dug Jones, Program Director, Tech Quest Apprenticeship:

“Apprenticeships are the perfect vehicle and WIS ED is the perfect partner to maximize this opportunity to help develop young people for careers in IT and Cybersecurity.”


Tech Quest Apprenticeship and WIS ED LLC partnered to maximize the impact of their grant funding from the Office of Apprenticeship within the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration.

According to the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE):

* There is an estimated global shortage of 3.12 million cyber professionals.

* 50% of surveyed, hiring managers state that applicants lack the qualifications needed to perform cyber jobs.

* As of April 2021, in the US, there are 464,420 total cybersecurity job openings and 956,341 total employed cybersecurity workforce.

It is due to this need that WIS ED was established: to address the digital skills, cyber training and education gap at all levels of education. An apprentice pipeline is a key part of the strategy to build this workforce, hence the partnership with Clark University’s Tech Quest. Tech Quest assists individuals 17 years and older who are unemployed, underemployed or are incumbent workers needing new skills.

Together, WIS ED and Tech Quest are providing pre-apprenticeship / apprenticeship program development and expansion assistance for the following profession: Cyber Security Analyst. To further their reach, WIS ED will also add job titles for Information Technology and Software Engineering to their apprenticeship program. Tech Quest’s grant funding focuses on eight states: California, Florida, Massachusetts, Missouri, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Oregon, and Texas. WIS ED’s reach in Maryland and other states supports Tech Quest’s efforts as well as assist with employment opportunities for the workers that reside in these communities.


WIS ED LLC, established in 2020, is a for-profit organization located in Anne Arundel County, MD. WIS ED is a Cyber Training and Education Firm focusing on the delivery of advanced technical content in several areas to include: Blockchain Technology, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, Computer Science, and Data Science. Through our education services, we have developed cyber focused curricula for secondary education students (specifically 11th and 12th graders), programs for postsecondary and graduate institutions and other courses for educational organizations.

Through our training services, we offer Cyber Training or simulations to educators, employees, or trainers in many industries to include Federal, Commercial, and Academia. The training we provide comes in the form of summer boot camps (for at-risk youth), certification training programs (for employees and career changers) and information sessions (for the general population). We have trained over 200 individuals since 2020. Our Maryland State approved Pre-apprenticeship/Apprenticeship program is another avenue to assist individuals who are seeking a career in cybersecurity. More Information: https://www.wiseducation.org/


Tech Quest Apprenticeship, funded by a $12 million grant from the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment, and Training Administration, provides business technology training nationwide for unemployed and underemployed individuals, and to those who seek to master relevant technology skills in an evolving workplace. Clark University is working with the Public Consulting Group (PCG) and a national consortium of workforce development boards to provide 4,000 pre-apprenticeships and 1,000 information technology (IT) and IT-related apprenticeships to thousands of individuals in eight states through 2023. More information: https://www.clarku.edu/schools/sps/programs/workforce-grants/


Founded in 1887, Clark University is a liberal arts-based research university that prepares its students to meet tomorrow’s most daunting challenges and embrace its greatest opportunities. Through 33 undergraduate majors, more than 30 advanced degree programs, and nationally recognized community partnerships, Clark fuses rigorous scholarship with authentic world and workplace experiences that empower our learning community to pursue lives and careers of meaning and consequence. Clark’s academic departments and institutes develop solutions to complex global problems across the disciplines, and the University addresses the behavioral health of adolescents and young adults through the Mosakowski Institute for Public Enterprise. More Information: https://www.clarku.edu/schools/sps/

LEARN MORE ABOUT WIS ED LLC AT: https://www.wiseducation.org/

Learn More: https://www.wiseducation.org/

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