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Patrick-Murray Administration Creates Ports of Massachusetts Compact for Seaport Development

NEW BEDFORD, Mass. /Massachusetts Neswswire/ -- On Monday, Lieutenant Governor Timothy Murray announced the formation of the Ports of Massachusetts Compact, an agreement designed to boost economic development and capitalize on resources in the Commonwealth’s seaports.

Mass. Patrick-Murray Administration Introduces New Diesel-Electric Commuter Rail Locomotives

BOSTON, Mass. /Massachusetts Newswire/ -- Lieutenant Governor Timothy Murray today joined commuter rail riders and state officials aboard a new diesel-electric locomotive on its...

Mass. Gov. Patrick, Congressman Olver Highlight $27 Mil. in Road and Bridge Investments

ORANGE, Mass. /Massachusetts Newswire/ -- As part of the Patrick-Murray Administration's historic Massachusetts Works program to promote job growth and long-term economic recovery, Governor...
Mass Governor Patrick

Mass. Gov. Patrick Highlights State Grant for Community Path In Somerville Maxpak Redevelopment

SOMERVILLE, Mass. /Massachusetts Newswire/ -- As part of the Patrick-Murray Administration's historic Massachusetts Works program to promote job growth and long-term economic recovery, Governor...

Mass. Gov. Patrick, Congressman Markey, Speaker Deleo & Mayor Ambrosino Announce Wonderland Parking Garage Project Moving To Construction In 2010

REVERE /Massachusetts Newswire/ -- Governor Deval Patrick, Congressman Ed Markey, Speaker Robert DeLeo and Mayor Tom Ambrosino today announced plans to construct the Wonderland...