Sales Boomerang

WASHINGTON, D.C. /Massachusetts Newswire – National News/ — Sales Boomerang, the mortgage industry’s top-rated automated borrower intelligence and retention system, today announced the availability of a new feature that lets lenders view a history of Sales Boomerang alerts that have previously triggered for each contact in their monitored database. The ‘Previous Alerts’ feature empowers mortgage advisors with historical context that makes customer outreach hyper-relevant whenever a new Sales Boomerang alert is triggered.

Sales Boomerang monitors a lender’s database and alerts loan originators when a borrower or prospect is ready for a loan. “Defensive” alerts trigger when a borrower takes an action, such as applying for a mortgage with another lender, paying off a loan early or listing their home for sale. “Offensive” alerts enable originators to present opportunities to borrowers once they meet certain criteria, such as attaining a target loan-to-value (LTV) ratio or credit score, or when market conditions make it possible for the borrower to get more favorable rates or terms than their current loan. By not only indicating current loan opportunities but also providing a complete history of past alerts, Sales Boomerang gives mortgage advisors a more nuanced understanding of each past or prospective mortgage customer’s financial situation and makes it easier to convert opportunities into closed loans.

With Sales Boomerang’s numerous customer relationship management (CRM) integrations, most mortgage advisors will also be able to access any notes taken regarding borrower outreach at the time of previous alerts, as each Sales Boomerang alert is an opportunity to reach out and prevent the borrower from continuing to shop for a mortgage.

“Mortgage advisors are going to love this capability, because it primes them to make an informed and helpful pitch every time they call on a customer,” explained Sales Boomerang Vice President of Product Mike Spotten. “For example, if a mortgage advisor receives a Mortgage Inquiry alert indicating a prospect is currently shopping for a mortgage, they can check the contact’s history of previous alerts to see that the same prospect listed their home for sale just three weeks ago. This tells a mortgage advisor exactly what kind of conversation to start with the prospect.”

“The longer a lender works with Sales Boomerang, the richer and more valuable ‘Previous Alerts’ history becomes,” added Spotten. “Managers may even find the feature does double duty as a coaching tool, because they can use it to identify opportunities for more consistent mortgage advisor follow-up with triggered contacts.”

For more information about Sales Boomerang’s ‘Previous Alerts’ feature, contact your client success representative or email

About Sales Boomerang:

Sales Boomerang transformed the relationship between mortgage lenders and borrowers with the introduction of the first automated borrower intelligence system in 2017. The company’s intelligent alerts notify lenders as soon as a past customer or prospect is ready and credit-qualified for a loan. As the mortgage industry’s #1 borrower retention tool, Sales Boomerang is trusted by more than 150 lenders – including brokers, independent mortgage companies, credit unions and banks – to help build lasting borrower relationships that maximize lifetime customer value. To date, Sales Boomerang alerts have enabled lenders to close more than $150 billion in additional loan volume that would have otherwise been overlooked and achieve customer retention rates that outperform industry norms by an average of 3-5X.

To learn more about Sales Boomerang and its No Borrower Left Behind™ ethos, visit

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